Saturday, 24 July 2010

Hats off to our fellow lejog'er John

We were about fifty miles in to day eight when we encountered the unlikely sight of a young man in civies on an old bike, fully laden with panniers, tent and several other assorted bits of luggage, pedalling furiously to catch us up.

Who could this young whippersnapper be? A local lad riding to the next town for a night of fishing and camping? Trying it on with the pro's for a mile or two until he fizzed out like a cheap firework?

Curious, we hailed our lone traveller and struck up a conversation. It turns out that John from Stanmore was just eighteen years old and was also riding lejog. Unlike us pampered credit card tourists, he was doing it in the old school way - hundred miles a day, camping under bridges and barns, gas stove for diner. And all that on an old but sturdy hybrid that cost him the princely sum of thirty quid and probably weighed more than two of ours put together.

We rode with john for thirty miles until he found a good spot to camp for the night, and we learnt how his riding partner had crashed and broke his arm within fifteen minutes of leaving the start line, leaving him to do the whole ride solo and unsupported.

Anyway, hats off to John, who proves that you don't need all the gear to ride an end to end, just plenty of heart and a taste for adventure!

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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